Jul 7, 2011

Sugary temptation

I tried so hard, oh I promise I did!

I avoided shoe sites, and I did my very best not to go window-shopping or any other shopping, anything to avoid the temptation. But I guess the Universe had other plans*. I was browsing a small underground mall looking for some nice faux-vintage bangles, and I just happened to pass my local Iron Fist stockist. And they just happened to be having a sale. 30% off. So I went in there, took a pair of Iron Fist shoes I was sure  won't be what I want, took a look in the mirror... and was in love.

But really, who wouldn't be? I mean, look at them!

I walked out of the shop, certain I won't be buying them. I mean, why would I need a new pair of shoes? I'm still doing the Shoeper Shoe Challenge! My skin is already pale, what would I do with a pair of nude-ish shoes?
But you guessed it: I bought them today. And they are called Sugar Hiccup! What a sweet and slightly disturbing name!

So hooray  for a new pair of shoes! I think this brings my total shoe count to.. err.. 36 pairs? 
Oh my!

*Not that I believe in "the Universe" or "Karma" or "Fate" or anything like it. This is just to illustrate a point.


A... nakit said...

joj fantazija su :D

Mrs. V. said...

Jesu :) Obozavam ih :)

Matija Pecek said...

now now. dont get too greedy! ne kontam opsesiju cipelama, ali valjda za to moras biti zena. ja sam cist zadovoljan sa svojih 5 pari :)

nouchaline said...

ohh soo pretty!

Goga said...

And yet on second glance I figured out that these patterns are actually a skull! Lovely shoes! I like the look of powdery suede.

Mrs. V. said...

Me too, that's why I had to have them. Well, that and their pinkness. I have a strange craving for pink lately...