Jun 16, 2011

Witty knits

A little while ago I was browsing the internet in search of nice vintage pullover or a cardigan. Unfortunately, all the reproductions of original 40's and 50's design were way over my budget. But then, while browsing the blog of the lovely Yesterday Girl I saw this post and thought-oh, I could learn that!
Well, I admit, it wasn't really like that. I saw it, thought it was wonderful, lamented over the idea that I cannot produce anything like it, and went on with my life, albeit somewhat mopier. Then, a month or so later I had a dream about that blog post. Amazing how straight-forward my subconscious is.

Naturally, I thought " what a splendid idea, I shall learn how to knit!", and set off to town, to find yarn, needles, and books on knitting.
My first attempts were miserable to say the least. I couldn't get the casting on right, no matter how and what I tried, and even my clever-as-clever husband took a look at the instructions and said: "What on earth is this?! This makes no sense whatsoever! How do they expect you to learn anything? Where is this piece of string supposed to go?!".
But after some online video tutorials, some in-depth studying and a lot of wasted yarn on experiments, I got off to a (somewhat shaky) start.
And this is what I made so far:

I Went with a very deep, rich, pine green yarn and number 4 needles.
My lovely seamstress friend informed me, however, that I should have used thicker needles,  but by then I was deep into the scarf-to-be and decided not to bother with switching, or undoing all I did.

So tonight, after a somewhat longer knitting session, I took out my tape measure to check just how much of the scarf I managed to knit, and the result is as follows:

 Please excuse the few stray bits of fur, the animals find my knitting fascinating, though for completely different reasons. The cat likes the moving needles and the non-moving me, so she snuggles up in my lap, while the puppy thinks a ball of yarn is the best ever toy in the world.

So wish me luck, I seem to be 1/4 done.

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