Mar 28, 2013

Rockabilly nails

I got a bit tired of my eternal halfmoon manicures, and decided to go with something playful and silly.

Feb 22, 2013

Black and silver half-moon manicure

Wow, that's a bit of a mouthful for a title :)

I've been doing the classical nude and red half-moon manicure for a while now, and today felt like doing things a bit differently.

So here it is:

The quality of the pic is a tad crappy, but we're having awful weather here, it's been snowing for the past two days almost non-stop, and no amount of lighting can help.

What's your favourite manicure combo?

Jan 19, 2013

It's cold outside

A whole mess of snow, and ice and slippery sidewalks.

Try not to hurt yourselves darlings! :*